disabled dad left staring at ‘blank wall’ after diy sos makeover

by:Runcheng Chuangzhan     2019-09-11
A wheelchair-
Binding dad with multiple hardening did not get the home makeover he wanted from diy sos.
The team led by Nick Knowles changed Stewart Philip\'s house and made Lin, his blind mother, move in to make his life easier.
Stewart, 44, said he was very grateful to the BBC and volunteers, but said there were still a lot of problems with the House 15 months later.
When the crew sent his own damp room and elevator to a special bed, his life became more comfortable.
But it is far from perfect, and the single father is staring at a wall all day because he is limited to his special bed.
\"One thing I really want to do is be able to look out at the view on the Moor-but I\'m facing the wall,\" he said.
Meanwhile, Lin has been blind since her 1980 s and she can\'t squeeze a chair in a crowded room. Stuart’s 17-year-
The room for the eldest daughter Lauren is smaller than before the renovation.
After the commission told the BBC that they had not been given permission two weeks before the filming, the crew could not carry out the rear stretch as expected.
But they continue to push forward with the redesign of the house, with an open plan downstairs and a separate apartment for the 73-year-old Lin.
This means that when they try to make room for Stewart\'s mom, they have to squeeze more into the existing house.
Stewart from Torquay, Devon said: \"Don\'t get me wrong. it\'s cute.
We appreciate it. we don\'t want to sound greedy.
\"A lot of the things they do are great-especially repairing the end wall of the kitchen in a bad state.
\"I think that\'s why they did such a great job in the back garden-to compensate for the delay not being done.
\"His mom wants to move in so she can get closer to her son as she finds his MS more and more difficult to deal.
But Stewart admits Lin is happier in the old place where she has more space.
He now finds it difficult to get in and out of the house because the front and back doors of the double glazing are not suitable for wheelchair access.
He was unable to open the back door on his own, forcing the dog Doobie at home to pee around the house.
A spokesman for the BBC said: \"The diy sos team takes the responsibility of building the house very seriously and will solicit the opinions of the contributors throughout the construction process to ensure that the design meets their specific needs.
After the shooting, we often keep in touch with the Philips family to address their concerns as soon as possible.
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