how to replace a double glazed toplight with a stained glass unit

by:Runcheng Chuangzhan     2019-09-11
If you want to add something different to your existing window, you can replace the lamp with a stained glass double glazing device.
The modern \"stained glass\" installed by double glazing company is a simple colored transparent film and adhesive lead, glued to the inside and outside of a piece of glass in the double glazing unit.
Instead, you can make a piece of stained glass and seal it in a new unit to keep the benefits of double glazing while installing a window that looks better than the modern version.
This can be done with all types of double glazing;
Although uPVC is usually the simplest, uPVC, wood and aluminum.
The UPVC can be internal or external.
Using inner beads, the beads are removed from the inside of the house and are easily removed unless the double glass unit is actually caught in the frame.
With external beads, the beads are right outside the house, but there may be rubber washers inside the unit that need to be removed or glued to the frame with a seat belt.
Safety tape is a sponge-like double.
Double sided tape that needs to be cut with a knife to remove the device from the frame.
This is usually the most difficult type of uPVC unit to remove.
The units on the wooden windows can have wooden beads or put them in.
Both are usually outside the frame and the putty needs to be cut off.
The device can also be glued to the frame with a sealant.
The aluminum window usually requires the removal of the frame to remove the unit.
If you are not very good at DIY, you may need to find an expert to help you measure windows and install new equipment.
If you see it in the phone book, you want a company that specializes in the repair and maintenance of double glazing.
If alternative window companies in countries or places do the job, they can be very expensive.
If you replace it yourself, you will need a manufacturer of double-layer glass units to make a new double-layer glass unit.
Look at the phone book again.
If you use fitters, they will solve the problem themselves.
To measure the size of the replacement unit to be manufactured, you would like to measure from bead channel to bead channel on the uPVC window (
See below)
, Get the width and height, then subtract 10mm from each dimension.
This applies to the interior and exterior beads windows;
Just make sure you are measuring the side where the beads are located.
You also need to know the overall thickness of the unit.
If possible, measure the thickness with a pair of calipers or similar calipers.
The thickness of the UPVC double glazing is usually 20, 24 or 28mm, of which 20 are mainly in the old unit.
The new unit will actually be a three-layer glass unit where a piece of colored glass is sealed inside the unit and placed through Y-lead.
For a real think unit, there is simply not enough space there to make a three-layer glass unit --
This was mainly found in the old wooden double glazed windows.
The colored glass is in there.
You won\'t use Y-in this case-lead, but C-lead.
In anything that is going to be turned on and off, it is not recommended because the chance to break the colored glass is too great.
You should now have the width and height of the unit and the total thickness of it.
Write down these.
To get the size of the colored glass you are going to make, please subtract another 25mm from the width and height.
These are measurements of the edge of the glass, not the Y-lead.
If your finished product is a few millimeters away, don\'t worry, because most uPVC has some flexibility, allowing a unit that is too big to be installed.
Too small a unit may be more of a problem.
Once you have finished your stained glass, you need to hand it over to anyone who is going to make the unit, whether it\'s a double-layer glass fitter or a manufacturer.
It will need to be installed when it is finished.
If you fit yourself, be careful with the edge of the unit.
Some double glazed units have tape around, but not all, and the glass is sharp and can easily cut your hand.
Before removing an existing unit, check carefully if the size of the unit is correct.
In order to install the new unit, you need the following tools: glass Mallet, glass shovel and some glass Packer.
The package is placed inside the frame and the unit is placed on the frame.
This keeps the device away from water when it rains.
If the device is not packaged during installation, excessive moisture will cause it to fail (mist up)
The glass Packer has various sizes.
All of this should be available from any supplier catering to the glass trade (
Supplier of double glazing or glazing in the phone book).
Remove the existing beads with a mallet, shovel with a shovel, both internal and external, put the edges of the shovel into the channel of the beads and tap with a mallet until it pops up.
Usually a set of beads (
Vertical or horizontal)
Need to be removed first.
If you are not familiar with the process, please have someone standing with this device to make sure it does not fall from the window.
If the unit is an external bead finish and one bead finish is removed, one person needs to stand outside and hold the unit while the other person needs to stand inside to remove the rubber gasket or safety tape.
If the device is on safety tape, you need to buy some from the supplier again.
Cut the tape with a knife in order to remove the device.
You need to clean up the old tape from the frame.
Put the new unit in the frame, check if it fits, and see how many wrappers you need.
Put the Packers in the frame.
If the frame has a safety tape, stick it to the frame where the old tape is located and remove the covering on which the unit will stick.
Carefully place the unit in the frame-
Again, if you use a secure tape, make sure you use it correctly for the first time-
Then replace the beads in the reverse order of the way you remove them.
If there is a rubber gasket on the outside, replace the gasket now.
You should now have a new, suitable stained glass unit in your toplight.
After installing the new stained glass unit, it is worth keeping the old unit as a spare if you have space, in case you need to remove the dyed toplight for any reason.
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