what it\'s like to be a teenager today

by:Runcheng Chuangzhan     2019-09-19
Too short, too high, too flat, too thin, too fat, too fat, too short hair, too long hair, too much perforation, too big chest, too much acne and too many freckles, hairy, bad teeth, too much makeup, lumps, ugly clothes, poor condition, bad sports, fag.
Here is just the taste of what some teenagers say to disappoint their peers. You wake up.
Every day, you want to be better and be someone you are not.
You have new goals every day.
Some people are more realistic than others, and they all happen to be an extension.
What are the shortcomings of having all these goals, they are not you at all.
You\'ll be fine, weighing 160 pounds instead of 140, with pimples on your forehead, but society is a mean and dirty place.
No one can be happy with who they are and what they have.
Jealousy plays an important role in youth.
If you do not have a \"thigh gap\", you are considered fat.
If you can\'t get A, you\'re an idiot.
Keep trying to live up to the film.
Try to find a dream man with the best body, the dream on his face, the most sincere character, and vice versa.
Just the wrong way of life.
Social media is a huge factor.
Don\'t get me wrong. I\'m a teenager, I know how annoying it really is to hear parents talk about \"how social media has never been like this\" and \"how they didn\'t have a phone call until college.
Average teenagers sleep with their phones at night and look at all their accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.
When they were there, they saw the girl in a bikini or with friends.
When the factors of jealousy are used in large quantities,
Ideas like \"Why can\'t I look like this\" and \"How far is this\" come to mind.
As you continue to scroll, you will see a picture, other than you and ideas such as \"Why am I not invited\" and \"Do they even like me.
All bad things will escalate and add more stress after simply checking your Instagram feed.
After seeing a few photos of your friend wearing a bikini (
Wondering why you don\'t look like them. , you set (unrealistic)
Your own goals.
After seeing the Bikini Girl\'s post, you will think \"if I exercise every day for the next two weeks and don\'t eat, I may have such a body \".
So you\'re eager to make yourself look like Instagram-worthy.
After a day or two, you realize that it is impossible not to eat, so you start slowly adding food to your diet, and slowly, it will return to your normal lifestyle.
It\'s all over until the next time.
Society makes you believe that you are not such a person and question every move you make.
Too short, too high, too flat, too thin, too fat, too fat, too short hair, too long hair, a lot of piercings, too big chest, too much acne, too many freckles, hairy, bad teeth, too much makeup, lumps, ugly clothes, poor condition, bad sports, fag.
Here is just the taste of what some teenagers say to disappoint their peers.
Imagine a world without any judgment.
Everyone can do their own things with what they love, without being judged.
You can wear whatever you want, you can participate in the hobby you choose, and you can eat whatever you want.
Wherever you go, you can have confidence and you can be sure that you will not hear anything but positive thoughts.
Back to reality now.
You can\'t even walk out the front door without being judged, you can\'t even post without being judged.
As a teenager, it\'s hard to say at least, it\'s almost impossible for some people.
Wake up and realize that life is more important than hate.
We only have so many years in life, why waste it, try to make others less hate, a little more life, how far will it take you.
Too many lives will soon end.
A huge factor is that some small things say that maybe you don\'t even realize that you are separate.
Don\'t do things you don\'t feel comfortable.
If you see some rude comments on someone\'s photo, say something!
Don\'t just sit behind the screen and read something you\'ll pretend to have never happened before.
Comments hurt people.
Some people even end their lives.
Help someone, be a friend, reach out and get to know everything you know. . .
Maybe you could be the one who saved their lives. Be you.
Who is he.
Never give up.
Be with people who make you happy and comfortable.
You can do that.
I believe you.
Who is he.
You can go through this.
The pace of life is fast;
Blink for a second and you may miss it. Shine bright!
Kathy King, youth ambassador for the Maddie project, originally published in May 24, 2017. Please contact the local crisis center if you need help.
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