Wooden door is how to maintain?

by:Runcheng Chuangzhan     2020-07-10

wooden door has an important role in the home, and have adornment effect, the wooden door manufacturer to share wooden door is how to maintain?

1, don't hang on the door leaf county overweight goods or avoid sharps knock against, tear open or closed doors, don't too hard and don't impact wood door.

2. Do not use wet hand to open door lock, or will contain corrosive solvent splash onto the wooden door and door lock. Wooden door open the door or turn the door handle, don't too hard. Often hinges, locks and other activities of hardware fittings, loose occurs immediately. When the door open, can add right amount of pencil lead into the keyhole and lubricant spray lubrication.

3, wipe the glass, don't make cleaning agent or water infiltration glass bead crack inside, wooden door to avoid layering deformation. Do not overexert when wiping glass, in order to avoid glass damage and personal. Broken glass has a big knock against, be sure to ask professional maintenance.

4, clear wood stain on the surface ( Such as print) After, can use wet I breathe, with a soft cloth to wipe. Hard cloth is easy to scratch the surface, when smear is too heavy, can use neuter cleaner, toothpaste or furniture special cleaning agent, decontamination, immediately wipe clean. The edges of wooden door don't often friction, in order to avoid damage to material of facing of edges and corners of fade. When clear the dust on the wooden door, do not use the soft cotton cloth wipe, can use a vacuum cleaner to remove. To keep wood surface gloss and service life, should be regular cleaning, dusting, can use wooden decoration products dedicated maintenance liquid on its surface maintenance.

Guangdong Runcheng Chuangzhan Woodworking Co., Ltd. is trying to institute social good changes this relationship because it averts a firm's resources from its core task of increasing profits.
Guangdong Runcheng Chuangzhan Woodworking Co., Ltd. will continue to bring our industry nuances of style and approaches to wood door manufacturers which are consistent with our evolving aspirations.
Guangdong Runcheng Chuangzhan Woodworking Co., Ltd. has been making a name for itself as a producer of some of the finest in the China, and it has been singing its praises for some time.
Through our distribution and marketing competencies, Guangdong Runcheng Chuangzhan Woodworking Co., Ltd. provides creative, customized, solutions for our customers. As a result, we achieve superior profit growth as the wood door manufacturers company of choice.
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