a bad, black friday for sa

by:Runcheng Chuangzhan     2019-09-26
Black Friday is said to be a growing trend in South Africa.
This shopping tradition must be the third worst thing we \'ve ever received from the US-second only to obesity and Tbo Touch accents.
In the United States, Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving, marking the start of Christmas spending, with large retailers offering bargains-from clothing to technology, with a 80% reduction in each item.
I didn\'t know we had a black Friday until a few days ago.
It turns out that it started here three years ago.
In the United States, it was such a huge event from 1960 that there was a countdown.
It sounds exciting when I live there briefly, and I really want an iPad.
Until a roommate told me that I had to leave late at night (in autumn)
Camp and sleep outside the e-retailer Best Buy\'s door and stomp with other customers in the morning so we can stomp on each other for the best deal.
I appreciate the good business here.
However, my desire for cheap goods also matches my aversion to shopping.
Clothing and grocery shopping in particular.
My shopping problem was deeply rooted in my childhood.
I learned my shopping habits from my mother, she was too utilitarian and took pleasure from shopping.
My mother\'s way of getting herself out of debt is like a punishment for good things.
Her rule is that if you find something you like, such as shoes, you have to go to every store in the mall to find a pair of similar shoes with lower prices.
At boarding school, when I asked her for a box of rusks, she found a bag twice as big-just they were never Ouma rusks.
They are not made of buttermilk and raisins, more like sawdust and cat urine.
But they kept it all semester.
Like many women in the world, my mother is the main decision maker in terms of family spending.
That\'s why some people say we are driving the economy.
Women, even frugal women like me and my mother, are the biggest consumers worldwide.
According to Forbes\'s 2015 article, we \"have an impact on the economy growing every year \".
This is a fact of modern civilization that I barely participated in.
My mother left a scar on me all her life, but she also cultivated a deep feeling on me --
Thankfully, distrust of retailers has prevented me from participating in a shopping spree like Black Friday.
I think shopping is a bad service experience.
One thing that really bothers me is that most of the fitting rooms are designed to destroy your self. esteem.
I don\'t understand the rule that \"you can only carry seven items with you.
Where is the research to prove that seven is the lucky number to stop thieves?
But the absolutely worst locker room experience I know is a mirror that can zoom in on the bumps in your ass.
Then there\'s the \"beauty assistant\" who will talk to you if you\'re over 30, just like you\'re a leper.
When you get to a certain age, the assistant at the cosmetics counter will talk to you like a family member dies.
\"How old are you if I can ask,\" they said calmly.
If you are over 30-God forbid over 35-they will fight for every
From your upper eyelid to your neck, every skin on your face has an aging potion.
Don\'t even talk to me about marketing and advertising assuming everyone is a mother.
Especially this year, cashiers at large supermarket chains have been stuffing small toys into my shopping bags.
\"No, I don\'t have children,\" I said, as I fished out the children and returned them.
I don\'t worry about their marketing strategy;
Suppose every woman shopping is a mother, I am very angry.
Follow me on Twitter @ joonjiTALK, did you take advantage of the Black Friday deal or avoid the store?
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