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"Runcheng Power"--Review on the First National Large Scale Heavy Weights

"Runcheng Power"--Review on the First National Large Scale Heavy Weights


the First National Large Scale Heavy Weights
The first heavy weights of "Runcheng Power" was held in Xiqiaoshan hotel in 2009. More than 300 excellent distributors got together for 3-day closed training to create the new future of RCCZ.

The training camp used mutural teaching method to make the people around to be friends.  All the students were in the same clothes.  They were mixed together not jsut by its status, district and achievements for the problems they faced not only had rigorous questions and intense debates, but also had ad-lib questions. Whether you were a boss or a shop owner, you could learn knowledge and gain happiness in practices. It made all the franchisee understood that they didn't fight alone but with a team power.

During the training, all of the people's got together for the same target. They were moved by the friendship and teared for the champions, cheering for the wonderful future of RCCZ. The 3-day training not only made the trainees gain rich marketing skills, but also a beautiful reminiscence. It is believed that RCCZ's excellent enterprise culture and strict enterprise system together with its "five-heart marketing servce which namely "Careful, Intensive, Relieved, Heart, Belief " will make its wonderful tomorrow.

Warm Suggestion: The second "Runcheng Power" heavy weights will be held in Foshan in July. Pls check it out.

The following is the wonderful titbits of this training camp:
Runcheng Power

Runcheng Power, with you for a more wonderful future!
The training course!

The training course!
Runcheng Chuangzhan-Runcheng Power-Review on the First National Large Scale Heavy Weights | Company -3Listening to the instructor carefully!

Listening to the instructor carefully!
The excellent team.

The excellent team.
The winner!

The winner!
The learning wall

The learning wall.

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