onetime jesse james-sandra bullock love nest in sunset beach seeks $5 million

by:Runcheng Chuangzhan     2019-09-14
Reality TV star and motorcycle maker Jesse James once shared sunset beach house with Oscar-
Award-winning actress Sandra Block is available for less than $5 million.
James bought the beachfront Mediterranean home for $3 in 2002.
6 million and stayed there with block after the wedding in 2005.
After they broke up in 2011, the owner of the \"Monster Garage\" sold the property for $4.
5 million, reported before the Times.
The multi-storey residence was updated in 2010 with a courtyard entrance with doors and a stone passage to the double front doors.
On the interior of over 3,600 square feet, there is a huge stone fireplace, media/playroom, small bar and large room in the office. A crescent-
Shaped Island as partition between openings
Concept of living room and dining room.
The house has a total of four bedrooms, four bathrooms and a dressing room. A walk-
The main suite features a wardrobe, a small bar and a fireplace.
Outdoor, corner-
Lot property has a built-in
BBQ, automatic base torch and pool with water slide. Built-
Living in tool storage and workshop space in three-car garage.
Admire the beauty of the ocean and beach.
Chuck Buscemi of Huntington Beach First Team Properties holds the property.
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